About PK United:

PK United focuses on both the physical and mental discipline that Parkour provides as well as the altruistic philosophies set in place by Parkour founder, David Belle. PK United works with children across the globe who are deemed 'high risk' and dealing with many obstacles in their young lives. Caleb's Hope has partnered with PKCali to launch our pilot program in Northern Uganda, an area where the children and youth have been deeply impacted by conflict with rebels in the region. Parkour will not only help them heal, but give them the discipline to overcome any obstacle, keeping themselves safe, and believing in their abilities as individuals and a community to be great. We are proud to have the support and partnership of PKCali. Members of PKCali are introducing Parkour to Attiak, Northern Uganda December 2011 and will be helping the community form PKAtiak. PKAtiak will be the first Parkour group to exist in East Africa.

Where We Work:

United Attiak is a mentorship and therapy-based program targeting youth based in Northern Uganda who are war and AIDS orphans, former child soldiers and sex slaves, and girls who are victim to gender-based violence. This one-of-a-kind traditional martial arts, Parkour, and arts therapy program will aid in the rehabilitation of these children and youth that have been directly impacted by war, poverty and the AIDS crisis in the region. The martial arts program is open to women of all ages as it aids in the empowerment of women and provides good defence for gender-based violence. Gender-based violence is the number one killer of women globally and has been recognized by the United Nations as a health crisis for women.

Project Objectives:

• To help alleviate and cure symptoms of PTSD in persons living in Atiak Sub-County region through physical and arts based therapies.
• To help women and girls who are victims of gender-based violence and to teach both males and females in the community the importance of ending gender-based violence.
• Provide education and awareness of both mental and physical health and wellness: to help the community to see the direct link between mental and physical health.

Caleb's Hope PKCali Not Man Apart

For any questions, feel free to email us at contact@pkunited.org



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